Country Life June 19 2019

Country Life June 19, 2019, looks at island life, heirlooms and how we pay our final respects to beloved pets.

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ISLAND LIFE: With only a terrier for company, Patrick Galbraith spends a week on an uninhabited Scottish Isle.

HEIRLOOMS: Lord Snowdon plays the generation game.

DREAM OBJECTS: Christie’s specialists tell Arabella Youens about their dream objects.

BELVOIR CASTLE: Part two of the Regency wonder.

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TRAVEL: Oxfordshire and Saint-Tropez.

CATCH OF THE DAY: David Profumo returns to fish the peaceful River Lyd in Devon.

BERKSHIRE GARDEN: A fine ensemble impressed George Pumptre.

FAVOURITE PAINTING: James Graham-Stewart chooses a biblical scene.

BROAD BEANS: Melanie Johnson’s latest kitchen garden favourite.

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