Country houses for sale

Top tips on moving to the country

1. Peace and quiet

But bear in mind…One person’s rural seclusion is another’s isolated and scary. Hamlets and farmhouses provide the quietest lifestyle; villages are livelier, ‘chattier’ and prone to neighbourhood activities; and rural towns offer more anonymity, noise and cultural activities

2. Clean air and more outside space for children to enjoy

But bear in mind…The countryside is not bereft of ‘dangers’ farm equipment and animals need to be treated with respect plus the noises and smells from farms can often take some adjusting to!

3. Larger houses with space for animals

But bear in mind…Lots of spare rooms are inviting to urban-dwelling friends. Weekends can get overtaken unless visitors are restricted

4. Less-crowded schools and doctor’s surgeries

But bear in mind…You’ll have to drive to get to them and to the shops for that matter. Children will also need ferrying to and from social activites

5. Greater interaction between neighbours

But bear in mind…There’s no hiding or escaping in a village everyone knows everyone else and everything about everyone else

6. More time on your hands

But bear in mind…It can take longer to do simple things (such as buying a newspaper or a pint of milk), particularly if the nearest shop is a 10-minute drive away

7.Less need to rely on public transport

But bear in mind…Commuting for more than an hour each way is tough and not something to undertake lightly. It’s also very expensive

8.The internet: it means you can work and shop from the comfort of your rural outpost

But bear in mind…You might not be connected to broadband

9.Walking, riding, fishing and golf courses are on the doorstep

But bear in mind…Rural pursuits are almost as expensive as urban

10. Friendly local pubs

But bear in mind…Pub food (especially served by those deemed as ‘gastro’) is often as expensive in the country as it is in London